Thursday, April 26, 2012


Yesterday, we had a fun relaxing evening. Andrew and I were on top of our game and both finished our school work earlier in the day (This is amazing considering our overpowering senioritis!). So for the evening, we decided to venture over to a park we always go to and walk the trails with Kyzer. We'd never done the trails before. We only ever went to the dog park with in the park. But this time, we wanted wilderness, trails, and creeks.

Kyzer lives for afternoons like this. He is meant to wander in the woods and explore. It's in his genes to be off the leash, follow, and explore with you. And when Kyzer is happy, the rest of the house is happy.  He also has really webbed feet so we're trying to get him acclimated with water so he'll want to go swimming. When we finally came to the creek, Kyzer jumped right in before one of us even did. No fear for him. We were proud parents.

And speaking of fun adventures.....


home of the yucky orange!

I'm pretty sure all of you already knew (because the only people that read this are also on Facebook).  To be honest, we've had the offer in our hands for a week or so, but we wanted to look at ever angle before we finalized and made it official. It's the only job offer we got after a year long job search, but we couldn't be more grateful for God providing. He definitely made it clear on where he wanted us to be!

We are going this weekend to try to nail down a place to live. That process is finding to be difficult because we are picky and needy! Picky-we want a house, we want 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms (for our guests! so it's not completely selfish), we want it to be in a safe location, near a park,  and close to a grocery store. Needy- we NEED a fenced in backyard for the furry boy. Like I said, when he's happy, we're happy.

Wish us luck! And please be praying for our moving process that everything can fall into place and go smoothly. This month is going to be one big blur! That's right, in ONE month we'll be moving there. EEK!

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